Please be reminded that the price in is not 100% accurate. We obtain the prices from open sources. Check the
date of the price. The longer the starting date, the
probability of it not being valid increases.
How do we process the price? The prices are categorized as
base price and
promo price. When there is a promo price, the promo price will be shown. When there is no promo price, the base price will be shown. If there is no base price, then nothing will be shown.
For slow moving items, the base price is very stable. It can be valid for up to a year. For fast moving items, the base price changes often. This will result in us failing to capture these changes. That is why you don't see fresh items (i.e. vegetables, fish, meat) in our database. The price for these changes daily and sometimes hourly (i.e. higher price early in the morning and lower price when the product is not fresh anymore).
At the time of writing, we are not affiliated with any retailers in Malaysia. However, we do our best to ensure it is as accurate as possible (especially for the promotion items).